вторник, 25 сентября 2012 г.

                                                        Importance of Water

Proteins, amino acids, carbohydrates, food supplements, etc.. All are essential to a serious bodybuilder. But drinking enough water? Many do not give the necessary importance to this fact and wrong! Ordinary water is much larger roles reasons that you imagined.
Water features:
- Transport of nutrients in the body (proteins, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins);
- Eliminate toxins;
- Maintain molecular structures (proteins, glycogen, etc.).
- Participate in chemical reactions in the body;
- Acts as a solvent for most nutrients;
- Helps regulate body temperature;
- Keep the blood;
Hydration and rehydration
Dehydration occurs when water removal is higher than water intake of the body. Signs of dehydration include dry skin, increased heart rate, low blood pressure, weakness. Even mild dehydration can mean a significant decrease in muscle contraction training.

Water sources:
- Water - 100%
- Fruit and vegetables - 90-99%
- Juices - 80-89%
- Milk - 87-88%
                                                        - Pasta, meat - 10-60%                                                            

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